
DaGrid - An audio plugin that allows users to create their own synths and sounds using a customizable grid of layered, composable effects utilizing elementary components.

TRAX - An XML-based multiparadigm UI description language. Utilizes generational application state for predictable network communication.

HYRO - Library for extending web frameworks with template rendering and CSS bundling. Features an intelligent, sub-millisecond HMR.

Syncthing Hooks - Run scripts when receiving data from Syncthing.

CP-XOR - The fastest way to copy a recursive diff of two directories on Linux.

Binroots - Make your programs script-friendly by serializing and exposing data, one file per field.

Chad - An extensible multi-agent AI assistant.

Lateral OS - Monokernel featuring preemptive scheduling and a primitive GUI.

PIPES - A tiny, turing-complete scripting language implemented in ES3.